PlayStation Server Rates and Information

Public Transportation
Teleporters are auto unlocked enabling players to use the teleporters placed around the maps to easily travel between Obelisks, areas of interest, player bases and the Community Centers.

Admin Shop Weekends
The Admin Shop is open every Friday evening through Sunday evening (EST US). Players can submit orders through the discord ticket system and buy dinos, colorings, and more with Bush Berry Seeds.

Community Centers
To assist all players there is a "CC" on each map, complete with a hatchery, replicator, crafting benches and teleporter as well as various items to help any new player get started. Dino and item donation vaults are also located here for new players.

Custom Currency
The Dreyma cluster uses 'Bush Berry Seeds', found in drops, boss fights, and through discord game bots, as the server currency. They can be used to purchase items from the Admin Shop, player shops, and player to player trading.
Bush Berry Seeds are a developer item not used in regular game play. We have specifically coded this item in to serve as our cluster currency,

Transferable Element
You can transfer element in 4 easy steps!
1. Place Element in a Replicator and craft Element Shards
2. Use the Element Shards to craft Compasses in your inventory
3. Transfer to another server with your Compasses
4. Once you have transferred place Compasses in a Replicator to craft Element
Events and Contests
Join in on server contests in the Dreyma discord to earn Bush Berry Seeds, in game loot and prizes as well as participate in events such as karaoke, trivia, The Dodo Tournament, Emp's random events, the weekend Auction House, find and tame missions, the Lottery, and many others.
We also send out alerts for in game events and contests which may included crucial information for participants.

Character Rates
- x2 Player XP
- x4 Harvesting
- x4 Slower Player Food/Water Drain - x2 Slower Stamina Drain
- x2 Health Regeneration
- x4 Hair Growth
- x2 Oxygen Swim Speed
- x2 Craft XP
- x2 Kill XP
- x2 Special XP
- x2 Generic XP
- x2 Harvest XP
- x2 Custom Recipe Skill
World Rates
- x2 Faster Resource Respawn
- x5 Raft/Platform Saddle Build Limit
- x6 Fishing Loot Quality
- x2 Crop Growth
- x2 Slower Crop Decay
- x2 Custom Recipe Effectiveness
- x5 Official Difficulty Override
- Custom Stack Sizes
- Unlimited Structure Pickup
- No Tribe Member Limit
- Friendly Fire Enabled
- 30 Days Ark Data Uploads
- Aberration/Genesis Flyers Enabled
Dino Rates
- x8 Taming
- x2.5 Wild Dino Food Drain
- x90 Hatching
- x40 Maturation
- 20 Minute Imprint Intervals
- 100% Imprints On Every Dino
- x2 Imprinting Stats Multiplier
- x2 Faster Mating
- x35 Faster Mating Intervals
- x2 Faster Egg Laying Intervals
- Cryosickness Disabled
- Max Level 150 Dino/180 Tek Dino/190 Wyvern/225 Crystal Wyvern
Character Rates
- x2 Player XP
- x4 Harvesting
- x2 Slower Player Food/Water Drain
- x2 Slower Stamina Drain
- x2 Health Regeneration
- x4 Hair Growth
- x2 Oxygen Swim Speed
- x2 Craft XP
- x2 Kill XP
- x2 Special XP
- x2 Generic XP
- x2 Harvest XP
- x2 Custom Recipe Skill
World Rates
- x2 Faster Resource Respawn
- x2 Raft/Platform Saddle Build Limit
- x2 Fishing Loot Quality
- x2 Crop Growth
- x2 Slower Crop Decay
- x2 Custom Recipe Effectiveness
- x5 Official Difficulty Override
- Custom Stack Sizes
- 30 second Structure Pickup
- 5 Member Limit
- Friendly Fire Enabled
- Servers Transfers to PVE Disabled
- Alliance Disabled
Dino Rates
- x8 Taming
- x1 Wild Dino Food Drain
- x90 Hatching
- x50 Maturation
- 20 Minute Imprint Intervals
- 100% Imprints On Every Dino
- x3 Imprinting Stats Multiplier
- x2 Faster Mating
- x35 Faster Mating Intervals
- x2 Faster Egg Laying Intervals
- Cryosickness Enabled
- Max Level 150 Dino/180 Tek Dino/190 Wyvern/225 Crystal Wyvern